man cave

Friday, December 30, 2011

Mom and Me

I had the privilege of photographing this stunning Mommy and Son. They are gorgeous aren’t they?

Friday, November 25, 2011

New Mexico Visit

I am behind (again) on editing photos. So here are a few of my favorites from 3 weeks ago. (The shame!) The choices are a bit random since I visited over the weekend and when two photographer get together... Well, we take all kinds of pictures. I must admit, my favorites are still the lifestyle shots. A family just doing whatever it is they do. These little moments in time are so fun to look back on as the kids grow.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Family Photos

It's a gorgeous time of year to take family portraits!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Baby Girl

I am totally loving these pictures. Probably because this is such a special family to me. What a loving family this precious girl has.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

These Moments Blog

These Moments Monday October 3rd, 2011.

Moments with... Bicycles. Oct 1, 2011.

I follow a few different photography blogs out there. And one I am liking more and more is I have had a few pictures recently featured including these. But what I really love is their weekly installment of guest photographers writing a post about what inspires them. To me one of the most interesting things about photography is that everyone is an individual. And what they "see," and what matters to them, comes out in their photography. Different interpretations of similar subject matter, and just seeing something interesting where I never stopped to take a look is fascinating to me. It keeps me going to know that everyone has new and different ideas. Each person's images say something about them as an individual. And the variety of interesting pictures is endless. As are people themselves. I encourage you to keep taking pictures and share them!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Isn't she lovely?

Mother, wife, and photographer extraordinaire. She is such a lovely friend too. ;)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I did a little mini shoot with my son the other day. He is at the stage where it is so fun to take his pictures. He is cooperative, and natural, and cute as a button too. ;)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rainy Day

I was challenged to try a new technique and I struggled to figure it out at first. But now that I am getting the hang of it... I am obsessed. The possibilities!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011


A photographer friend of mine and I have planned many a shoot together than just never panned out. But for her newborn baby we finally made it happen. And with these results I am glad we did! Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Subject

I am in a rut. I have taken lots of pictures of kids (which are admittedly my favorite subject) but I think it's time to capture some different things. Maybe something will get me motivated again... What are your favorite subjects? What inspires you to get out the camera and capture a moment? I'd love to hear what inspires you...

Monday, July 25, 2011

"This mess is too big and too deep and too tall" -Dr. Suess

Here is a picture I took just minutes before they started wrestling and the little one ended up in the ER for facial lacerations. It was an accident but of course I enjoy this kind of moment more than the latter. "These moments" blog has featured it on "these moment's monday."

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Family Reunion

A beautiful summer afternoon and a fun family. Here's a few of my favorites from the session. Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Nature's Finest

The MCP's photo challenge on Flickr has weekly themes for photo enthusiasts to push the limits of their creativity. MCP picks their top 10 favorites per week, but other photographers enjoy looking through the weeks entries and enjoying their own favorites. This week, one of these photographer's has chosen my entry for "Nature's Finest." Here is the photo, and a link to her blog. Check it out. And if you love photography, this is a great way to come up with new ideas and share info with others. Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Family Pictures

I didn't even think we got this many good ones... The mosquitos were feasting on us... The kids were in no mood for pictures... But low and behold we still got a few ;)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


The boys were really into wearing costumes this trip. Maybe I will have to look into finding more...